Neck Lift

As we age, different areas of the face and neck are affected differently.

Some people develop wrinkling and sun damage in their entire face and neck. Some people seem to lose facial fat, while others accumulate fat in the neck and maintain good skin tone. Others may develop more exaggerated signs of aging in their neck.

For patients suffering from common complaints such as excess skin, excess fat, bands, or other issues with the appearance of the neck, neck lift might be the solution they seek. Similar to its far more common cousin, the face lift, the neck lift is actually a combination of several different cosmetic procedures to produce one or more improvements to the appearance of the neck.

Neck Lift surgery is performed by Dr. El-Attar for patients in our region to provide dramatic results and a more pleasing profile. These results are especially dramatic when combined with our other rejuvenating procedures.

Who is a candidate for neck Lift?

The best candidates for neck rejuvenation are patients in good health with realistic expectations. They have good skin tone and elasticity. It is helpful if they have a fat pad under the skin and on top of the neck muscles.

What conditions can be corrected and with which procedures?

  • Loose, sagging skin under the chin requires tightening of the skin with a laser. If the skin is too excessive, it may need to be removed with excisional surgery.
  • If you have visible vertical bands in your neck, the neck muscles will need to be tightened
  • Fat deposits in the neck can be removed with liposuction or direct excision.

How the Neck Lift Procedure is done?

The procedure is done completely under local anesthesia (Tumescent technique). After the injection of the anesthesia is done, fat removal done by power assisted liposuction. Then, an incision is made behind the ears to gain access to the underlying neck tissue often responsible for problems such as so-called turkey wattle and banding. If the patient suffers from excess neck skin, it will be trimmed, lifted into a better position, and secured.

How long does the Neck Lift take?

The duration of a neck lift can range from an hour to three hours, depending on how many steps a patient’s specific procedure includes. Neck lifts are frequently paired with face lifts depending on the amount of skin that needs to be removed.

What is the downtime of the procedure ?

The downtime or recovery time of the Neck Lift is usually 1-2 weeks  . Most people return to normal activities right after.

Before & After


Get started on your journey to your new self today by scheduling a no-obligation consultation.