Butt Augmentation
Most patients that request this procedure are looking for a fuller figure in the buttock area for a more pronounced buttock.
Fat injections into the buttock can eliminate dimples and irregularities.
How Butt Augmentation Works
The Fat Transfer and Re-Injection Procedure The first step involves the gentle liposuction of some excess fat (such as that found in the abdomen or thighs). The second step involves the isolation and cleansing of the fat cells. The third and final step involves the injection of the fat cells into the targeted areas (i.e., the fat cell transplantation).
Why Fat Transfer is The Preferred Method
The effects of fat transfer are much more long lasting than those of pharmaceutical fillers because your own fat is recognized, and therefore is not rejected by your body. It also contains your own stem cells, which actively regenerate the areas to which it is applied. For months after the procedure the injected areas will continue to approve in appearance.
Before & After
Get started on your journey to your new self today by scheduling a no-obligation consultation.