Breast Augmentation

Many women are afraid to undergo a breast augmentation operation fearing that implants are an unnatural introduction into the body. The good news is that natural breast augmentation can be achieved by fat transfer from your own body. This type of breast augmentation can help to treat uneven breast size and shape as the fat can be re-injected into very specific areas of the breast.

The breast fat grafting operation is implant-free, very safe and extremely rewarding for women who want to enhance their appearance.

The procedure has no downtime and less invasive compared to traditional breast implant augmentation. This means discomfort is also dramatically reduced, especially compared to that experienced with under-muscle implants. Breast fat grafting avoids the potential for implant rupturing or the need for replacement implants.

In addition, your breasts will feel soft and natural, plus there is no scarring involved in fat grafting. The finished product is all you, without any artificial enhancements.

What are the advantages of breast fat grafting procedure?

  • Done under local anesthesia
  • No incisions or scarring
  • No foreign materials introduced into the body
  • Fast recovery time
  • non-invasive
  • No implant complications
  • Liposuction to harvest unwanted fat from thighs, buttocks or stomach
  • The overall effect is the creation of desired breast shape alongside some additional body shaping.

How is the Breast fat grafting procedure is done?

Under local tumescent anesthesia, fat is harvested by liposuction before being strategically and accurately injected into the breasts. As the procedure uses your own body fat, new blood vessels naturally form within the injected and integrated fat. The procedure boasts a high rate of healthy fat survival.


Get started on your journey to your new self today by scheduling a no-obligation consultation.