Avelar (Mini Tummy Tuck)

A flat and well-toned abdomen is something many of us strive for through exercise and weight control. Sometimes these methods cannot achieve our goals.

Even individuals of otherwise normal body weight and proportion can develop an abdomen that protrudes or is loose and sagging. The most common causes of this include:

  • Pregnancy
  • Aging
  • Significant Fluctuations in Weight
  • Heredity
  • Prior Surgery

While some patients turn to a tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, to get rid of an abundance of excessive, sagging skin in the stomach area, others can benefit from Avelar (mini tummy tuck) . This procedure is great for those who don’t have an excessively large amount of abdominal skin but still want to tighten and tone their stomach. Since it’s less extensive than the traditional tummy tuck, it can be performed  in about two hours and under local anesthesia.

What is Avelar Procedure ?

Avelar or mini tummy tuck only involves the incision across the lower abdomen, in a similar position to one you would need for a caesarean. There is not incision around the belly button as it does not need to be moved. This enables your doctor to tighten the abdominal muscles and trim away the skin from the lower part of your tummy only.

Should I opt for Avelar procedure?

You may be a suitable candidate for Avelar as opposed to a full tummy tuck if your unwanted, excess skin is located in the lower half of your abdomen only i.e. below the belly button.

What is the difference between an Avelar and a traditional tummy tuck?

The major difference is the incision. With Avelar the incision is made along the lower abdomen and is only a few inches long compared to a traditional tummy tuck where the incision spans from hip to hip. A traditional tummy tuck also involves an incision into the belly button to reposition the navel after the excess skin and fat have been removed, but this isn’t necessary with a mini-tummy tuck. Another great benefit of the mini-tummy tuck is the down time, with our patients able to go home the same day of surgery and back to normal activities within as little as one week.

What happens during Avelar procedure?

Dr. El-Attar will make an incision in the lower part of your stomach, usually beneath the bikini line. This will allow them to remove any excess skin or fat as well as tightening up the muscles to provide a firmer, flatter look.

This procedure is performed under local anesthesia and  our patients able to go home the same day of surgery and back to normal activities within one week

What can I expect from the recovery process?

Immediately after your procedure, expect some soreness and swelling. It is important to give yourself a week to rest, heal and be sure not to exert yourself physically in any way that could damage your stitches or new stomach.

Our medical staff will prepare you for what to expect and provide medication to manage any discomfort. It will take a few weeks for your body to recover and for the results to be fully realised.

How much of a scar will there be?

There will be a scar at the site of the incision although Dr. El-Attar will make every effort to ensure it is below the bikini line and therefore not immediately visible when you are wearing underwear or swimwear.

In time and with the proper aftercare, this scar will fade and return to your usual skin tone.

Before & After


Get started on your journey to your new self today by scheduling a no-obligation consultation.